i'm enjoying my time in this program respectively in life science.life science has been amazing this year it has numerous practicals which are are interesting and fun.taking a glance in the past,high school practicals are not competent to what i have seen here.high school was just infested with theory material without actual tangible practicals.all i had to do was to read and study flow diagrams and pictures that's all nothing to experiment with my own two hands.i recall how my life science teacher used to Bragg about how she did practicals and how thy were amazing.she never even thought of taking us to the lab ,zoo and even parks to observe environmental landscapes.the only experiment i used to do was what i call '' imagination experiment" ,YES!! imagining how you could perform a certain experiment in your uncles garages or somewhere in the states working in collaboration with Einstein or Newton.
All that was in high school but now i'm in a sophisticated university with almost everything a scholar could need.i actually do genuine experiments here with compound and dissecting microscopes this is a life changing environment.my previous experiment was awesome i had my hands on a new ZEISS PRIMO STAR microscope magnifying up to a thousand times people who have been using advanced microscopes would think using that microscope was miniature equipment but for me its incredible.working in a lab with proper safety equipment and advanced precaution measures makes me comfortable and willing to experiment without fear.working with proper tools has always made it possible foe new discoveries.